Shutdown Device: systemctl poweroff
Reboot Device: systemctl reboot
Change Directory: cd
Kill Process: CTRL + c
Show the Files/Directories: ls
Show the Long List for Files/Directories, Includes Hidden: ls -la
Remove File: rm filename
Remove Directory: rm -r ~/directory
Remove File by Directory: rm -rf ~/directory
Show Containers & Status: docker ps -a
Show Files/Directories in the Docker Container: docker container ls
Docker Info: docker info
or docker info | grep "Docker Root Dir:"
Restart Tor: docker restart tor
Show Docker Version: docker -v
Docker Status: systemctl status docker
Make Directory to Mount Docker on USB: sudo mkdir /mnt/usb/docker
Makes file executable: sudo chmod +x ~/
Sync & Upgrade: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Show Attached Drive Info: lsblk
Show Drive Space & Mounted Drive Info: df -h
Format to ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
Create USB Mount Directory: sudo mkdir /mnt/usb
Mount All Drives: sudo mount -a
Restart Docker: systemctl restart docker
Stop Docker: systemctl stop docker
Start Docker: systemctl start docker
Disable at System Start-Up: systemctl disable docker
Enable at System Start-Up: systemctl enable docker
List Active Service Units: systemctl list-units --type=service
Reload Daemon: systemctl daemon-reload
Clone Git Repository: git clone https://repo.git
Clone Specific Branch of Repository: git clone -b development https://repo.git
Switches to Development Branch: git checkout development
Launch: nano
or nano filename
Use nano to edit text in an existing file, create a file, and explore your filesystem. Use CTRL+R
to bring you to the home
directory. From there you can explore and edit the files & directories of the system.
To go back a directory CTRL+O
then CTRL+T
Remove RoninDojo Repository, Clone Again:
rm -r ~/RoninDojo
git clone
Create Script, Make Executable, and Launch:
sudo chmod +x
./ <command> <module> <options>
To use these commands you must be in the correct directory!
Change Directory: cd dojo/docker/my-dojo
Display Help Message: ./ help
Use bitcoin-cli Console to Interact with bitcoind RPC API: ./ bitcoin-cli
Delete Dangling Docker Images: ./ clean
Install Dojo Manually: ./ install
Display the Tor Onion Addresses for Dojo: ./ onion
Restart your Dojo: ./ restart
Start your Dojo: ./ start
Stop your Dojo: ./ stop
All Container Logs: ./ logs
To use these commands you must be in the correct directory!
Specific Container Logs: ./ logs node
For Error Logs: ./ logs node -n 500 | egrep "ERROR|error"
This shows the node container errors for up to 500 lines. Use CTRL + c
to exit anytime.
Blockchain Info: ./ bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
Display Dojo Version: ./ version
Network Info: ./ bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
or sudo ./ bitcoin-cli --getinfo
Uninstall Dojo: ./ uninstall
Be careful, this will also remove blockchain data!
Upgrade Dojo: ./ upgrade
Check out the Troubleshooting page for more info.
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