Simply put, we believe Samourai Wallet to be the best bitcoin wallet and is the reason why the RoninDojo was born.
Samourai Wallet is feature rich, and focuses every effort on providing users with the ability to manage their bitcoin spending and receiving in the most private manner. The tools within, when combined together, make for an unrivalled privacy preserving bitcoin wallet. Features include: BIP47 / PayNyms, Like-Type Change, UTXO labelling, Whirlpool Coinjoin, Account Segregation, Peer to Peer Coinjoin Spends, Legacy / Segwit Compatibility / Native Segwit Support, Do Not Spend UTXO Marking.
Dare you to name another bitcoin wallet which has all of those!
Skip this step if you are starting with a new Samourai Wallet
If you already have Samourai Wallet with funds on it, fist check and double check your wallet backups before proceeding.
Follow this "Testing Your Wallet Backups" Samourai Wallet video tutorial.
Then secure erase your wallet by navigating to Settings → Wallet → Secure erase wallet
→ Dojo
→ Manage
Skip this step if you are starting with a new Samourai Wallet
Tap Restore an existing wallet
Tap I have a Samourai backup file
Either restore from the automatically detected backup, or manually find the file by selecting CHOOSE FILE
Carefully enter your passphrase then tap Finish
Do not be alarmed if you see a zero bitcoin balance! You simply need to scan for your bitcoin balance
Continue on to the Whirlpool section.
Check out the Troubleshooting page for more info.
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